Why I Started Early Intervention Village

About Me:
Hi, I'm Francine, the heart and soul behind Early Intervention Village. With over 15 years of experience in special needs childcare, my mission is to empower and support families with children aged 0-3 on their unique journeys. Join me, and let's make every milestone count together!

Why I Started Early Intervention Village:
My passion was ignited by the documentary "Willowbrook: The Last Great Disgrace," which unveiled the challenges faced by children with special needs. This life-changing moment inspired me to create Early Intervention Village and provide families with the knowledge and tools to unlock every child's true potential.


Early Intervention Village: Our Vision and Future Goals

At Early Intervention Village, we're driven by a powerful vision: to empower families with special needs children. Our mission is to be a guiding light, a source of information, and a pillar of support. We're passionate about the transformative power of early intervention.

As we look to the future, we're excited about the road ahead. Our goals include offering developmental screenings, insightful in-service sessions, and engaging PAT talks (which stand for parent and teacher/therapist). We're planning enriching community outings, essential drives for books, toys, therapy, and meals, memorable family movie nights, and awareness-raising walkathons. Together, we can create a brighter future and provide the support and resources families need to help their children thrive.

Join us on this journey to make a difference in the lives of children with special needs and their families. Together, we can empower and inspire.